Community Lunches
Alexandra Neighbourhood House
A hot lunch and entertainment program for seniors and others within the community is held on the second Wednesday of each month from September through June, from 12 to 1:30. Cost: $8/members of Alexandra Neighbourhood House, $10/non-members.
St. John’s Presbyterian Church
St. John's Lunch Hut: A restaurant style "Soup Kitchen". It is run by church volunteers and community helpers. Several of the local food stores supply some of the food free of charge. This is a friendly place where you can chat with your friends and have a leisurely meal. The menu usually has a hearty soup and several kinds of sandwiches, plus donuts or other desserts. There is a donation box near the kitchen window and you can drop in whatever you can afford for the meal. Bon Appetite! When? Every Friday 11:00 AM–1:00 PM (in the Church Hall).
1480 George Street
White Rock, BC V4B 4A3
Phone: (604) 536-9322
Fax: (604) 536-9384
White Rock Baptist Church
Friday Friendship Seniors hot lunch, with entertainment, noon to 2:00 pm, September to June. Cost: $12.00. Please call to reserve a spot before 4:00pm on Wednesdays.
1657 140 Street
Surrey, BC V4A 4H1
Phone: (604) 531-2344